You're Going to Die Presents: Caitlin Jemma with Chelsea Coleman, Avi Vinocur and Rachel Kaplan
This event is celebrating Caitlin Jemma's vinyl release for her latest album, A Wider View, which explores the larger perspective we gain when someone we love passes and how embracing your mortality can inspire a life full of purpose.
An indie musician and singer-songwriter based in Los Angeles, CA, Caitlin Jemma grew up in a small historic Northern Nevada mining town known as Virginia City.
She draws inspiration from desert landscapes — inviting listeners into the depths of a raw, beautiful, and expansive human experience.
Her new album is inspired by themes such as death, generational heartbreak, forgiveness, transformation, compassion, and true love.
VIP with GA: come early for an intimate writing workshop with Caitlin and Chelsea before the show at 6pm